Eight Ways to Relax and Boost Your Immune System

As January has brought us viruses, cold and coughs, fatigue and stress, we would like to help and support you with a few tips for fighting those shades of grey and boost your immune system:

1.     Eat a healthy balanced diet


Yes, I know you hear this everywhere but it is true.

The most important way to boost your immune system is a varied healthy diet. An eating plan rich in fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins will defend your body against germs. The 3 best vitamins to boost your immune system are:

  • Vitamin C: Foods rich in vitamin C include oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, strawberries, bell peppers, spinach, kale and broccoli.
  • Vitamin B6 is vital to supporting biochemical reactions in the immune system.  Vitamin B6-rich foods include chicken and cold water fish such as salmon and tuna. Vitamin B6 is also found in green vegetables and in chick peas, which is the main ingredient in hummus.
  • Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps the body fight off infection. Foods rich in vitamin E include nuts, seeds and spinach.


2. Take a walk

Exercise is a great way to strengthen your body, mind, and immune system. However, not everyone has time to go to the gym for two hours a day or play sports regularly. A 10-minute brisk walk every day or 20-30minutes of mild to moderate physical activity is good enough to bolster the immune system.


3. Body & Mind rely on sleep

Sleep is absolutely essential for your health and has a profound impact on your stress levels, immune function and disease resistance. Long-term sleep loss can also result in heart disease, stroke, hypertension, depression and anxiety. Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Remember rest and relaxation go hand in hand. At Make Me Feel, we are also here to advise you on your sleep and to give you the best tips and advice.

Next month, The Make Me Feel newsletter will focus on sleeping and how to beautifully break those old, unwanted routines.

We will also organise workshops during March in partnership with WeSleep! www.wesleep.co.uk


4. Laughing is the best medicine

Laughing gets your heart racing to nearly the same levels as when you exercise and that helps keep your body in good shape. But laughter also reduces stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. So watch a funny film, go to a comedy show, and engage in activities that make you laugh to increase your immune function and disease resistance.

It is definitely one of our favourite advice at Make me feel!


5.  Drink Less alcohol

Alcohol can weaken the immune system. Alcohol produces an overall nutritional deficiency and prevents nutrients from feeding your immune system. Excessive alcohol can reduce the ability of white cells to kill germs. If you have a drinking habit, try to start limiting your consumption. An occasional drink is fine (especially with bubbles)! but keep it limited.


6. Take time for a relaxing massage

Relaxing massages bring new life to your body.

Did you know that Make Me Feel offers different types of massages: Aromatherapy, India Head, Relaxing and Deep Tissue Massages. For both men and women.

It will be hard to choose!


7. The health benefit of Probiotics

Probiotics are good bacterias that help your digestive system to absorb as many nutrients as possible, giving your immune system energy to keep you from getting sick. There are plenty of probiotics available on the market and some are specialised in boosting your immune system effectively. We are proud to stock a wide variety of well-known and highly recommended ranges including Solgar , Biocare, Biokult, Optibac and the micronutrition pioneer Pileje.


8. Garlic: The immunity-boosting superstar

Garlic is an immune system booster thanks to its antiseptic, anti-fungal and nutritive properties.

It is a natural detoxifying agent, protecting against bacterial and viral infections. Moreover Garlic has been shown to fight stress and reduce your level of fatigue.