10 Easy Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

10 Easy Ways to Boost Your Metabolism


Metabolism is a term for all the chemical reactions in your body.
These chemical reactions keep your body alive and functioning.
However, the word metabolism is often used interchangeably with the rate of metabolism, or the number of calories burned.
The higher it is, the more calories you burn and the easier it is to lose weight and keep it away.
A high level of metabolism can also give you energy and improve your health.
Here are 10 easy ways to increase your metabolism.

1. Eat a lot of protein during each meal.
Eating food can increase metabolism for several hours.
This is called the thermal effect of food (TEF). This is due to the additional calories needed to digest, assimilate and process the nutrients contained in the food.
The greatest growth of TEF is caused by proteins. It increases metabolic rate by 15-30% compared to 5-10% for carbohydrates and 0-3% for fats (1).
Protein nutrition has also been shown to help you feel fuller and prevent overeating

2. Drink plenty of cold water.
People who drink water instead of sugary drinks achieve great success in weight loss and weight retention.
This is because sugary drinks contain calories, so replacing them with water automatically reduces your calorie intake.
However, drinking water can also temporarily accelerate metabolism.
Studies have shown that drinking 17 ounces (0.5 litres) of water increases rest metabolism by 10-30% for an hour.
This effect of burning calories can be even greater if you drink cold water as your body uses energy to heat up to body temperature (21, 24).
Water can also help fill you. Studies show that drinking water half an hour before a meal can help you eat less.

3. Take intensive inter-shaft training.
Interval high-intensity training (HIIT) involves rapid and very intense bursts of activity.
It can help you burn more fat by increasing your metabolic rate even after completing your workout.

4. Lift heavy things
Muscles are more metabolically active than fats, and building muscle can help increase metabolism…
This means you will burn more calories every day, even at rest.
Lifting weights will also help you maintain muscle and fight the drop in metabolism that can occur during weight loss.

5. Stand Up More
Too much sitting is bad for health (46).
Some physicians even called it “new Smoking”. This is partly because long periods of sitting burn fewer calories and can lead to weight gain.
In fact, unlike sitting, standing at work in the afternoon can burn 174 extra calories.
If you have an office job, try to get up for a short period of time to break the time you spend sitting. You can also invest in a stationary table.

6. Drink green tea
Green tea has been shown to increase metabolism by 4-5%.
This tea helps convert some of the fat stored in your body into free fatty acids, which can increase fat burning by 10-17%.

7. Eat spicy food.
Peppers contain capsaicin, a substance that can stimulate metabolism.
However, many people cannot tolerate these spices in the doses needed to achieve a significant effect.
Alone, the effect of adding spices to food can be very small. However, it may be slightly useful in combination with other metabolic strategies [67].

8. Good night, good night.
Lack of sleep is associated with a significant increase in the risk of obesity.
This may be partly due to the negative effects of sleep deprivation on metabolism.
It has also been shown that it increases the action of the hormone hunger and reduces the level of completeness of the hormone leptin.

9. Drink coffee.
Studies have shown that caffeine in coffee can stimulate metabolism by 3-11%. Like green tea, it also helps to burn fat.
However, it seems to have a greater impact on the poor.
The effects of coffee on metabolism and fat burning can also contribute to successful weight loss and maintenance (77, 81).

10. Replace fats for cooking with coconut oil.
Unlike other saturated fats, coconut oil contains a large number of medium-chain fats.
Medium chain fats can increase your metabolism more than the long chain fats found in foods such as oil.
Due to the unique composition of fatty acids of coconut oil, the replacement of some other fats for cooking it can give modest benefits in weight loss.

Article written by Amandine Auteserres, nutritionist.

Amandine consults at Make Me Feel upon request.