Few Tips for Repelling Mosquitoes from Baby’s Skin

☀️Few Tips for Repelling Mosquitoes from Baby’s Skin☀️

🏖Do keep your infant and young child’s skin covered in lightweight clothing as much as possible, and try to cover exposed skin

🏖Do consider using a mosquito net over your stroller or infant carrier.

🏖Don’t use insect repellent on babies under 2-months-old.

🏖Do choose insect repellents approved for use on children and follow directions on the package.

🏖Do apply insect repellent to clothing /instead of directly to the skin/ when possible. Spritz the ends of sleeves, pant hems and socks, and the insects will avoid nearby skin. –

🏖Don’t apply insect repellent near the eyes and mouth, and, in the case of small children, hands, as they may put their hands in their mouth. –

By Marie Juglaret, Maternity Nurse, founder of www.bcommebaby.com