Best Supplements to help with Eczema
If you have been suffering from Eczema, you probably already have tried dozens of different emollients, steroids creams and hopefully, have found a good combination which suits you and help you to manage this long-term conditions.
There is no magic cure and it needs a lot of different factors to control it long term. Managing stress levels, use the right products for clenasing and moisturising and be aware of your triggers, whether that’s wearing wool or hot baths.
However, did you know that certain vitamins and supplements could help you control the symptoms even better?
Here are the top 3 proven supplements which can help prevent and could lower your eczema’s signs.
OMEGA-3 fatty acids
Omega 3 is naturally present in oily fish like salmon.
Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, fish oil supplement can reduce symptoms of eczema.
Omega 3 has been proven to help reduce the inflammation in the body that leads to itching, while the essential fatty acid EPA can help ‘waterproof’ skin cells by bolstering the membrane, keeping skin moisturised from the inside out.
Taking omega 3 supplement (EPA/GLA) will help you at 3 different levels:
- It fights eczema dryness
Omega 3 can moisturise your skin from the inside out. High levels of Omega 3 have been shown to work on the phospholipid bilayer, helping it hold onto water, leading to moister, softer skin. A lake of essential fatty acids will make your skin looks and feels dry. to moisturize the skin from inside, omega 3 supplement is the best.
- Omega 3 stops eczema inflammation
The Omega 3 fatty acids DHA and EPA are well known as potent anti-inflammatories by blocking inflammatory cytokines and prostaglandins. They are also known to inhibit the production of leukotriene B4, something that’s implicated in the development of eczema.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is an important part of the immune system. When you have eczema, your immune system and skin barrier don’t work properly. A number of studies have found that people with eczema are more likely to have lower levels of vitamin D. Vitamin D also increases amounts of good antimicrobial proteins in the skin, such as cathelicidin, which help destroy invading germs and viruses.
Vitamin D also helps repair the broken barriers of your skin. Having enough vitamin D in your body seems to help prevent skin infection, lower inflammation and improve barrier function in people with eczema.
Preliminary research seems to suggest that skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis can be linked back to an imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the gut
Damages to the gut mucosa triggers an inflammatory reaction from the immune system.The continuous cycle of damage to the gut lining and the low-grade systemic inflammation that it causes, can have a possible outcomes on eczema.
the researchers deduced that taking a probiotic like Lactobaccilus rhamnosus during the last few months of pregnancy and through lactation may help reduce eczema.
Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are the most common supplements and have unique benefits.
To see significant results a minimum of 2/3 months would be the norm.
By Dr Marine Vincent, Pharmacist.