My Grand-Ma Recipe of Tomato Sauce
My Grand-Mother was a star in her kitchen and this is one of the recipes I preferred as you can use it for a lot of dishes: pastas, quenelles, tomates farcies, etc …
Easy to do, she used to cook a lot of it and pour it in bocal for all winter. You can also freeze it in icecube trays.
Enjoy 🙂
Preparation: 10 min
Cooking time: 1 h
1 kg tomato, 1 onion, 2 cloves garlic, 1 celery stalk, Thyme, Pepper, Salt, Sugar (to reduce the acidity of the sauce)
Step 1: Put the whole tomatoes in the casserole (no need to peel or seed them)
Step 2: Add the onion, garlic, salt and pepper and a glass of water so that the tomatoes do not attach at the beginning of cooking.
Step 3: Cover and simmer for about an hour. Blend everything in the blender for 2 minutes and pass the juice to the vegetable mill (fine sieve) or strainer. The seeds and skins will stay there and you will have less work and waste.
Step 4: Correct the acidity of the sauce according to your taste with sugar.
Et voilà !