Essentiel Oil of The Month: Rosemary

Essentiel Oil of The Month: Rosemary

(Rosmarinus officinalis)

Tonic, this oil is used in case of fatigue, overwork, lack of concentration and is also famous for winter episodes. It also has revitalizing, purifying and balancing virtues.

A shrub typical of the Mediterranean rim, rosemary is very popular as an herb in cooking, to flavor stews, grilled meats, sauces or even desserts. This aromatic plant is also widely renowned in herbal medicine for its multiple properties, especially as choleretic, decontracturant, and expectorant, and very popular in perfumery, especially in male compositions. Rosemary has a legendary reputation as a cure for all ailments and beauty care. It is the main ingredient of the “Water of the Queen of Hungary”, rosemary alcoholate that, in the fourteenth century, miraculously restored health and youth to Queen Elizabeth of Hungary, then in her seventies. Water from Hungary, enriched with other notes, including bergamot and lavender, was a very famous perfume until the seventeenth century and would have been the favorite perfume of Mme de Sévigné and Mme de Maintenon at the court of Louis XIV where he was known for his revitalizing effects. In aromatherapy, there are several chemotypes of the essential oil of rosemary, because the plant develops a different chemical composition according to the place and the conditions of culture. Each chemotype has its properties and specificities of use.


Respiratory comfort: essential oils of Ravintsara, mentholated Eucalyptus, Niaouli Nervous and Physical Fatigue: Ravintsara, Peppermint

How to use:

Fatigue: Mixed in your oil preparation. Apply a few drops of your mixture on the inner sides of the wrists and the solar plexus and breathe deeply.

Lack of concentration, fatigue: in atmospheric diffusion, mixed with other essential oils (lemon, grapefruit …)

The Hygiene Bank

Did you know that we work with The Hygiene Bank?

Basic hygiene goes to the core of self-worth, self-respect, confidence and dignity. With hygiene poverty comes isolation, exclusion and shame and these impact our ability to participate in society and therefore what it means to be human. Lizzy Hall, Founder

The Hygiene Bank collects new, unused and in-date toiletries, hygiene basics, beauty and personal care essentials. If you need them and use them, then it is likely someone else needs and uses them too.


Simply drop them at the shop and we are coordinating the collect.



Quinoa with its September veggies

Quinoa with its September veggies


-250 g of Quinoa (raw)

-1 clove garlic

– 2 curry tsp  

– 1 onion cut into thin slices

– 2 Vegetable cubes 

– 600 ml of water

-Salt and pepper

-250 g of carrots

-250 g of zucchini

-250g Brussels sprouts

Peel the carrots and cut into sticks.

Peel the zucchini and cut into cubes.

Peel the onion and cut into thin slices.

Cut the Brussels sprout in half.

In the casserole, pour the quinoa.

Add the prepared vegetables.

Crush the 2 cubes on the vegetables.

Add garlic, curry and water.

Cook for 45 min.

Correct seasoning salt and pepper at the end of cooking.

Mix everything and sprinkle with chopped parsley.


5 Ways Lack of Sleep Is Aging Your Skin

5 Ways Lack of Sleep Is Aging Your Skin

You know that getting enough ZZZs is essential for many aspects of your health.

But let’s be honest: 

Despite this knowledge, most of us tend to neglect sleep.

And while a single sleepless night might wreck a few following days, you can quickly get back on track with some effort. Continuous lack of sleep, on the other hand, takes a heavier toll on your health, and your skin is one of the organs that suffer the most.

Let’s take a look at the most common skin issues related to the lack of sleep.

#1 Dark Circles and Bags Under Your Eyes

Probably the most common — and most noticeable — symptoms of staying awake all night long or sleeping for several hours less every night are dark circles and bags under the eyes

Both of these unpleasant symptoms actually have a single cause.

Our bodies have a lymphatic system, a network of vessels and lymph nodes that produce lymph. Lymph helps our body flush the metabolites out. Besides, the lymphatic system can create a cellular pathway to clear your head from waste. That’s why it’s incredibly important to sleep well, especially the night before important events where you will need to be able to think clearly.

But let’s get back to the skin.

Since the activity peak of the lymphatic system falls on night hours, you just prevent it from doing its job and disrupt your fluid balance. This disruption, in turn, causes blood vessels under your eyes to dilate — and say hello to eye bags and dark circles.

Express solution: 

If you’re going to go to bed late, keep a couple of spoons in the freezer. In the morning, you may take them out and place under the eyes for a couple of minutes. The cold will narrow the blood vessels and make them less noticeable.

#2 Acne Outbreaks

Along with wrecking your fluid balance, sleep deprivation can play havoc with your hormonal system

Many scientists agree that everything that comes out of our normal lifestyle is perceived as stress by our bodies. And pulling an all-nighter instead of getting the required hours of sleep is definitely one of those stressful scenarios.

So, what happens during stress?

Our bodies produce increased amounts of stimulatory hormones that create a ‘fight-or-flight’ response. One of the stress hormones, cortisol, is the most common trigger for acne and outbreaks, especially if your skin is prone to them initially. 

And here’s the trickiest part:

It’s not only about increased cortisol levels. It’s also about the behaviors they provoke, such as consuming more carbs, falling asleep with makeup on, neglecting skin hygiene, etc.

Obviously, the longer you are sleep-deprived, the more pimples you will see in the mirror.

#3 Dull Skin and Dehydration

Those who stay without sleep for days quickly begin to look like they are a couple of years older. That’s because, during sleep, your body not only restores energy levels but also repairs itself on cellular levels. Here’s what your skin does during the night:

  • restores the lipid barrier;
  • maintains healthy pH levels;
  • accumulates antioxidants and nutrients;

Lack of sleep doesn’t allow these processes to happen. So, your skin becomes imbalanced, and you might see the oily shine or flaky cheeks even if you had a completely healthy skin before. 

Plus, the lack of nutrients and antioxidants can make your skin look grey and dull, which also adds some age to your look.

#4 Wrinkles

Increased cortisol levels can impact collagen integrity and make you more prone to wrinkles and the loss of skin tone.

Collagen is crucial for skin structure and elasticity. When it breaks down, your skin becomes thinner, and, as a result, the aging signs become more pronounced.

Of course, rapid aging won’t happen after a single all-nighter, but you still have to keep this in mind if staying up late has become a part of your everyday life.

#5 Redness and Pigmentation

Besides nourishment, our skin also needs to defend itself from different damaging factors. Today, we live in a polluted world, and this means a lot of oxidative stress. We get exposed to free radicals everywhere, but the most overpowering of them is solar radiation. UV rays can do a lot of unpleasant things to our skin, such as:

  • premature aging;
  • pigmentation;
  • melanoma and other types of skin cancer.

Along with using sunscreen throughout the year, you need to sleep well to help your skin restore itself and slow down the oxidative damage.

What Else Can You Do To Treat Your Skin?

As you can see, sleep and skin health are tightly connected. So, next time you have skin problems, instead of purchasing another tube of facial cream, you may just revise your sleeping schedule.

However, with a holistic approach, you can help your skin even more. Try these recommendations, and premature aging won’t bother you in the nearest future:

  • Stay hydrated. Getting enough water will prevent you from dry and dull skin and help your skin cells maintain the lipid barrier.
  • Maintain a healthy diet. Eat more whole foods and watch out for possible allergens, such as dairy or nuts, as they can also result in outbreaks or inflammation.
  • Choose proper skincare. Know your skin type (if you don’t, consult with a dermatologist) and choose suitable products with natural components.
  • Do not hesitate to reach out for professional help. If your skin problems still persist after you’ve established a sleeping schedule and followed through other recommendations, maybe your condition requires medical attention. A specialist can prescribe treatment based on thorough examination and can help you get glowing and healthy skin.

Few Tips for Repelling Mosquitoes from Baby’s Skin

☀️Few Tips for Repelling Mosquitoes from Baby’s Skin☀️

🏖Do keep your infant and young child’s skin covered in lightweight clothing as much as possible, and try to cover exposed skin

🏖Do consider using a mosquito net over your stroller or infant carrier.

🏖Don’t use insect repellent on babies under 2-months-old.

🏖Do choose insect repellents approved for use on children and follow directions on the package.

🏖Do apply insect repellent to clothing /instead of directly to the skin/ when possible. Spritz the ends of sleeves, pant hems and socks, and the insects will avoid nearby skin. –

🏖Don’t apply insect repellent near the eyes and mouth, and, in the case of small children, hands, as they may put their hands in their mouth. –

By Marie Juglaret, Maternity Nurse, founder of

Essential oil Recipe for Insect Bites

Essential oil Recipe for Insect Bites (Adult)


1. In a 50ml graduated bottle, put 60 drops (4ml) of Patchouli essential oil and add 52 drops (3.5ml) of fine Lavender essential oil or Lavender aspic.

2. Fill in with an oily macerate of Calendula.

3. Apply on the bites 3 to 4 times a day massaging.

N.B. The essential oils of fine lavender or lavender aspic can be used pure on a button to calm quickly the itch (in emergency gesture). They can be applied to all types of insect bites.

10 Easy Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

10 Easy Ways to Boost Your Metabolism


Metabolism is a term for all the chemical reactions in your body.
These chemical reactions keep your body alive and functioning.
However, the word metabolism is often used interchangeably with the rate of metabolism, or the number of calories burned.
The higher it is, the more calories you burn and the easier it is to lose weight and keep it away.
A high level of metabolism can also give you energy and improve your health.
Here are 10 easy ways to increase your metabolism.

1. Eat a lot of protein during each meal.
Eating food can increase metabolism for several hours.
This is called the thermal effect of food (TEF). This is due to the additional calories needed to digest, assimilate and process the nutrients contained in the food.
The greatest growth of TEF is caused by proteins. It increases metabolic rate by 15-30% compared to 5-10% for carbohydrates and 0-3% for fats (1).
Protein nutrition has also been shown to help you feel fuller and prevent overeating

2. Drink plenty of cold water.
People who drink water instead of sugary drinks achieve great success in weight loss and weight retention.
This is because sugary drinks contain calories, so replacing them with water automatically reduces your calorie intake.
However, drinking water can also temporarily accelerate metabolism.
Studies have shown that drinking 17 ounces (0.5 litres) of water increases rest metabolism by 10-30% for an hour.
This effect of burning calories can be even greater if you drink cold water as your body uses energy to heat up to body temperature (21, 24).
Water can also help fill you. Studies show that drinking water half an hour before a meal can help you eat less.

3. Take intensive inter-shaft training.
Interval high-intensity training (HIIT) involves rapid and very intense bursts of activity.
It can help you burn more fat by increasing your metabolic rate even after completing your workout.

4. Lift heavy things
Muscles are more metabolically active than fats, and building muscle can help increase metabolism…
This means you will burn more calories every day, even at rest.
Lifting weights will also help you maintain muscle and fight the drop in metabolism that can occur during weight loss.

5. Stand Up More
Too much sitting is bad for health (46).
Some physicians even called it “new Smoking”. This is partly because long periods of sitting burn fewer calories and can lead to weight gain.
In fact, unlike sitting, standing at work in the afternoon can burn 174 extra calories.
If you have an office job, try to get up for a short period of time to break the time you spend sitting. You can also invest in a stationary table.

6. Drink green tea
Green tea has been shown to increase metabolism by 4-5%.
This tea helps convert some of the fat stored in your body into free fatty acids, which can increase fat burning by 10-17%.

7. Eat spicy food.
Peppers contain capsaicin, a substance that can stimulate metabolism.
However, many people cannot tolerate these spices in the doses needed to achieve a significant effect.
Alone, the effect of adding spices to food can be very small. However, it may be slightly useful in combination with other metabolic strategies [67].

8. Good night, good night.
Lack of sleep is associated with a significant increase in the risk of obesity.
This may be partly due to the negative effects of sleep deprivation on metabolism.
It has also been shown that it increases the action of the hormone hunger and reduces the level of completeness of the hormone leptin.

9. Drink coffee.
Studies have shown that caffeine in coffee can stimulate metabolism by 3-11%. Like green tea, it also helps to burn fat.
However, it seems to have a greater impact on the poor.
The effects of coffee on metabolism and fat burning can also contribute to successful weight loss and maintenance (77, 81).

10. Replace fats for cooking with coconut oil.
Unlike other saturated fats, coconut oil contains a large number of medium-chain fats.
Medium chain fats can increase your metabolism more than the long chain fats found in foods such as oil.
Due to the unique composition of fatty acids of coconut oil, the replacement of some other fats for cooking it can give modest benefits in weight loss.

Article written by Amandine Auteserres, nutritionist.

Amandine consults at Make Me Feel upon request.

Birth traumas in mums and babies: how to recover safely with postnatal osteopathy

Birth traumas in mums and babies: how to recover
safely with postnatal osteopathy

Physically one of the most challenging moments in life, childbirth happens to be
‘traumatic’ for 1 every 3 women. Whether delivery was difficult (even the slightest)
and/or c-section was necessary, it is common to end up with what we call birth
traumas. Mothers and babies can experience physical and psychological consequences
from childbirth, from big or small injuries to postnatal Baby Blues or even depression.
This is why it is important to question yourself on whether your delivery has been
traumatic and get help from osteopathy to release physical and emotional traumas.

Childbirth: how to recognise a traumatic delivery?
In most cases, traumatic delivery will be highly recognisable. Every issue, big or small, happening during delivery can lead to birth traumas.

A traumatic birth can then include:
 A very fast or very long delivery
 C-section
 Breech birth
 Giving birth to a big and heavy baby
 The use of obstetrical tools
 The use of force in order to pull the baby out if a vital danger occurred

What can result from a traumatic birth?
Birth traumas on women can be various and on different levels. Obviously different depending on each person and situation, some injuries can appear quite common (but not limited to):
 Musculoskeletal pain and aches
 Pelvic pain
 Post c-section scar
 Post c-section fibrosis
 Tiredness
 Stress

Whether you’re experiencing physical pain or emotional tension, post-traumatic birth
injuries will automatically lead to an unbalanced body. This is why it is important to work on its whole structure as well as taking care of every trauma you’re going through.

How can I know if my baby is suffering from birth traumas too?

Regarding babies, in most cases traumatic deliveries will bring tension, making them show their irritability by crying excessively and pulling themselves backwards. But that’s not it – birth traumas can as well lead to neurological conditions, such as developmental delays, cerebral palsies, neuromotor disorders…
An imbalanced body can as well result from a difficult birth and bring sleeping or feeding/digestive issues, difficulties to bond with the mother or, most commonly, musculoskeletal injuries: torticollis, flat head, arm injury or palsy, lack of control
towards the head…

Postnatal osteopathy: your new ally

First of all, and even if you’ve had the most natural and unproblematic delivery, it is always highly advised to request at least one osteopathic assessment after giving birth, for yourself but also for your baby, so they can start their life in the best and most balanced way possible. This check-up will give you and the osteopath the opportunity to determine if you or your baby are experiencing any trauma you might have not noticed and, if you did have a difficult delivery, to diagnose the nature of the problems caused by childbirth.
With gentle techniques, osteopathy can reduce your pain and feeling of tension and rebalance your whole body and mind. Specifically tailored to your needs, the type of delivery you experienced and your medical background, you’ll be given a personal treatment program in order to bring harmony back into your body and release any
stress or physical discomfort you might be having.
Cranial osteopathy in babies is usually really helpful in birth traumas treatments and will release any tensions felt, rebalance baby’s body and mind and prevent injuries to turn into long-lasting consequences.

Any enquiry, contact Mummy’s Physio and Baby Physio on 0207 125 0262 or at

What is Mindfulness ?

What is Mindfulness all about?

So, you’ve heard about Mindfulness. You kind of get it. Your friend does yoga. Your
colleague has the Head Space app. You know “it’s a thing” but you’ve not yet had a good
reason to give it a shot yourself. You aren’t motivated enough to do a course yet. But you
are curious. So, what’s mindfulness all about?
Jon Kabat Zinn is the man accredited with bringing mindfulness as we know it to the west.
This happened in the late 1970s. Yes, it really has been around that long. Jon Kabat Zinn
first developed his secular mindfulness course, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
in a bid to help patients at the University of Massachusetts Medical Centre, to relate to their
medical conditions in a different way (note no promise to “cure”). Today, there have been
numerous scientific studies demonstrating the merits of mindfulness (see Google if you’re
curious) as well as the development of numerous different mindfulness courses. And in
2014, the Mindfulness All-Party Parliamentary Group was set up to look into research on the
subject, as well as its validity and application towards the policy. All of this would indicate that
it’s definitely “a thing”. But why?
Mindfulness Based Interventions (MBIs) are consistently found to reduce levels of stress,
rumination and anger while improving positive outlook, empathy, self-compassion and
overall quality of life. How do I get some of that, I hear you ask? The simplest thing to do is
focus on your breath. Why? Because by focusing on your breath you can’t think about
yesterday or tomorrow. You can’t breathe for 10 mins ago or 10 mins in the future. You are
literally breathing for the here and now. So, follow your breath as you inhale and then
when you exhale. Doing this for as little as 3 minutes can evoke a sense of calm as you
switch on your parasympathetic nervous system.
Another simple practice is to focus on your senses. Take for example eating breakfast and
taking the time to notice the appearance of what you’re eating, it’s the aroma, to savour its
taste and texture. Or being in the shower and observing the sensation of water against your
skin, it’s temperature, the sound of the running water and the smell of your soap.
Why would you want to do all this? Well, because it’s estimated that we have tens of
thousands of thoughts a day. That means our brain needs to form habitual ways of
operating, so we can process all the thoughts we need to. An ingenious part of our
evolutionary makes up. But it also means that we can start to behave in an autopilot fashion
and at times this means running on outdated beliefs and behaviour patterns that negatively
impact our lives and relationships.
Of course, none of this is an overnight fix (sorry). But with the ongoing practice of simple
techniques such as those described, we can develop new habits almost like we would
strengthen a muscle. For those of you interested, you might like to embark on a class led
Mindfulness course to get you started.

Nikki is our resident life coach and will be running a talk on Mindfulness at Make Me Feel on
July. Keep a lookout for more information or e-mail
us to register your interest.